Sky Factory / Exhibition

Sky Factory is a fine arts and technology company that designs evidence-based, virtual skylights. Unlike common image-based products that may (at first glance) appear to be similar, our process is informed by neuroscience. Our award-winning Luminous SkyCeilings and Luminous Virtual Windows are designed to engage areas of the brain involved in spatial cognition and depth perception.

Sky Factory’s artistic framework, 'Open Skies Image Technology', has been the subject of an award-winning fMRI study. The company’s process includes deliberately designed 'Open Sky Compositions' woven into an architectural context. By generating a deeper multisensory response, we alter the observer’s psycho-physiological assessment of interior space.

The company’s research-verified 'illusions of Nature' technology is used in virtual skylights that have received recognition from the International Academy of Design & Health, the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) and Planetree International, a global patient advocacy group. The company’s custom designs have also earned recognition from an architectural jury (Architizer A+ Awards, Jury Winner, Product + Healthcare).

Sky Factory’s exclusive line of digital cinema products, and 'I R I S', our new circadian SkyCeiling, are designed to enliven biophilic engagement – the same restorative experience that undisturbed natural environments provide.
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Sky Factory