Submit a Project

Choose categories
Entry form
Upload submission material
Choose award categories

Please indicate below which award categories you wish to enter and complete the entry form
Step 1: Choose the award category/s you are entering
Step 2: Complete the online entry form and the 1250 word submission statement relevant to the category you are entering
Step 3: Upload a maximum of 15 slides, including 10 images and 5 plans in either PPT or PDF format which will be sent to the judges for review, together with the same 15 images/plans used in the slides (min width 1600 pixels; maximum height 3000 pixels; maximum size 5 MB), which will be used for digital and print publication.
Step 4: Complete payment to register your submission
With the exception of Design Research Project and Product and Technology Design Innovation categories, which have their own entry forms, all categories require you to complete the same entry form.
However, different criteria may apply depending on the award categories being entered, in which case you will be required to complete separate submission statement forms if you are entering categories that are evaluated against different criteria. The correct entry form and submission statements will be automatically generated in Step 2.
The application fee is £150.00 + VAT per project entry. By ticking the box below, members of Architects for Health, European Health Property Network, Australian Health Design Council and Health Planning Academy are eligible for a discounted fee of £125.00 + VAT per project entry. A single project may be entered into multiple categories for the same fee. If you are entering more than one project, you will be required to follow this simple 4-step process again and pay the application fee for each individual project entry.